
Welcome to the PHS Arclights website! This website has been in the works for quite a long time. The efforts of a number of key individuals have made this possible:

  • Jack Selden and Bonnie Woolverton - for creating, by hand, an extensive cross-reference of the Arc Lights listing who is pictured on each page.
  • Stuart Whitaker - for scanning in all the Arc Light images in an organized format
  • Jason Watts and Greg Rose - for the programming effort to make this actually 'work' online! Jason provided much of the program architecture and database design, and Greg created the actual programs and site.

Jason and Greg were able to import the extensive database Jack Selden and Bonnie Woolverton had created, blend that database with the Arc Light images Stuart Whitaker had scanned in, and create an intelligent search and presentation function that delivers relevant results!

This is certainly a significant accomplishment by dedicated community members, taking multiple years to complete, and well worth celebrating!

If you have any comments or questions concerning this website please contact us at contact@phsarclights.com or through the Palestine HS Alumni Association website at www.PalestineHigh.com.

Thank You!